In the Field



Showing 37-45 of 45

How hard can a bat bite, and why does it matter? Curator Sharlene Santana explains the evolutionary insights to be learned from bite force.

The Zambian and Tanzanian fossil beds preserved both plants and animals, providing information on paleoclimate before and after extinction.

Various bat species have different needs to survive, which can severely decrease their ability to cope with habitat fragmentation.

Washington's first dinosaur fossil gives insight into what the west coast was like 80 million years ago.

Seattle is abuzz after construction workers find an unexpected guest from the Ice Age.

Studying hybrid zones offers a unique view into the evolutionary processes that either generate or extinguish species.

Rock exposures are rare in the icy wastes of Antarctica, but they are the only places where finding fossils is possible.

From Amazonian jungles to Mexico's deserts, the diversity of these ecosystems is unrivaled. It is home to earth’s greatest biodiversity.

Sharlene Santana studies how behavior, diet, anatomy and function result in bursts of diversification in tropical bats.