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Photo: Cathy Morris/Burke Museum
Photo: Cathy Morris/Burke Museum

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Showing 280-288 of 306 articles

March 4, 2015

Seattle is abuzz after construction workers find an unexpected guest from the Ice Age.

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February 13, 2015

Studying hybrid zones offers a unique view into the evolutionary processes that either generate or extinguish species.

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February 9, 2015

Despite its popularity, the identity of the carvers who made the poles has been misrepresented for years.

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January 27, 2015

We look back at what we’ve learned about the Native mask that inspired the original Seattle Seahawks logo in the past year.

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October 9, 2014

Wolverines are one of the rarest and most elusive mammals in North America. Hunted near extinction they’re finally starting to return.

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September 9, 2014

What was once a species with unimaginable number, the passenger pigeon became extinct in less than a century.

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July 5, 2014

The Burke Museum Herbarium's new Washington Wildflowers wildflower identification app.

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March 16, 2014

A labor of love! Burke paleontologists take steps to preserve the South Lake Union mammoth tusk.

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February 20, 2014

The mask that inspired the Seattle Seahawks logo is discovered to be part of the Hudson Museum collection in Maine.

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