Notes and references

References and Recommended Readings

This site is primarily targeted to the general public and to secondary-school students in the earth sciences. For the lack of summary works in this field, we also anticipate a certain level of service to post-secondary students and professionals in the geologic sciences. For the general public, resources in this area are very limited. We have provided the very short list of current popular books on the subject at the end of this section.

Students and professionals in geology will find a rich professional literature (much of it Canadian) in this field. Largely for their interests, the following sections reference some of the more important studies in these areas, and offers references for some of the alternative interpretations which attend some of the more controversial aspects.

The following references are largely limited to articles and papers published in scientific journals, in government reports and in other professional publications. It does not include abstracts, theses or dissertations, or on-line reports. By a somewhat arbitary convention, we have limited this list to 100 entries. This means that it only represents a small sampling of the literature, typically the more recent, available and broad-based articles. Highlighted articles represent those with interpretations contrary to those we have selected for this exhibit. Readers are encouraged to consider them. 

 Section 1: The Dance of the Giant Continents

Kaufman, Paul, Kaufman, A.J., Halverson, G.P. and Schrag, D.P., 1998, A Neoproterozoic snowball earth, Science 281: 1342-1346 (1998).

Kaufman, Paul, The breakup of Rodinia, birth of Gondwana, true polar wander, and the snowball earth; Journal of African Earth Sciences 28: 9-26 (1999).

Miller, E.L., Miller, M.M., Stevens, C.H., Wright, J.E., Madrid, R. ,1992,  Latest Paleozoic paleogeographic and tectonic evolutions of the western US cordillera (in) Burchfiel, B.C., Lipman, P.W., and Zoback, M.L. (eds)  The Cordilleran Orogen: Coterminous U.S. Volume G-3 Decade of North American Geology (DNAG) Geological Society of America, Boulder Co., 1992 p 57-106

Miller, F.K. 1994 The Windermere Group and late Proterozoic tectonics of northeast Washington and northern Idaho (in) Cheney E.S. and Lasmanis R. (ed) Regional Geology of Washington WA Division Geology and Earth Resources Bulletin 80 pp 1-19

Poole, F.G., Stewart, J.H., Palmer, A.R., Sandburg, C.A., Madrid, R.J., Ross, R.J., Hintze, L.F., Miller, M.M. and Wrucke, C.T. 1992  Latest Precambrian to latest Devonian time - Development of a continental margin. (in) Burchfiel, B.C., Lipman, P.W., and Zoback, M.L. (eds) The Cordilleran Orogen: Coterminous U.S. Volume G-3 Decade of North American Geology (DNAG) Geological Society of America, Boulder Co., 1992 p 9-57

Saleeby, J.B. and Busby-Spera, C. 1992 Early Mesozoic Tectonic evolution of the western U.S. Cordillera (in) Burchfiel, B.C., Lipman, P.W., and Zoback, M.L. (eds) The Cordilleran Orogen: Coterminous U.S. Volume G-3 Decade of  North American Geology (DNAG) Geological Society of America, Boulder Co., 1992 p 107-168

Section 2: New Lands along an Old Coast

The Omenica Episode

Barksdale, J.D. 1975 Geology of the Methow Valley, Okanogan County, WA: WA Division Geology and Earth Resources Bulletin 68

Brown, R. and Journeay, J.M. 1987 Tectonic denudation of the Shushwap Metamorphic Terrane in southeast British Columbia Geology 15 p 142-146

Burchfiel, B.C., Cowan, D.S. and Davis, G.A. 1992 Tectonic overview of the cordilleran orogen in the western United States (in) Burchfiel, B.C., Lipman, P.W., and Zoback, M.L. (eds) The Cordilleran Orogen: Coterminous U.S. Volume G-3 Decade of  North American Geology (DNAG) Geological Society of America, Boulder Co., 1992 p 407-480

Cheney, E.S., Rasmussen, M.G. and Miller, M.G. 1994 Major faults and the identity of Quesnellia in Washington and adjacent British Columbia (in) Cheney E.S. and Lasmanis R. (ed) Regional Geology of  Washington WA Division Geology and Earth Resources Bulletin 80

Cowan, D.S. and Brulen, R.L. 1992 Late Jurassic to early late Cretaceous geology of the U.S. cordillera (in) Burchfiel, B.C., Lipman, P.W., and Zoback, M.L. (eds) The Cordilleran Orogen: Coterminous U.S. Volume         G-3 Decade of  North American Geology (DNAG) Geological Society of America, Boulder Co., 1992 p 169-203

Davis, G., Monger, J, and Burchfiel, B. 1978 Mesozoic construction of the cordilleran "collage": central British Columbia to central California.  (In) Howell, D. and McDougall, K. Mesozoic Paleogeography of the Western United States Pacific Coast Paleogeography Symposium, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Tulsa Ok 1978

Dickenson, W.R. 1992 Cordilleran sedimentary assemblages (in) Burchfiel, B.C., Lipman, P.W., and Zoback, M.L. (eds) The Cordilleran Orogen: Coterminous U.S. Volume G-3 Decade of  North American Geology (DNAG) Geological Society of America, Boulder Co., 1992 p 539-552

Garver, J.J. 1992 Provenance of Albian-Cenomanian rocks of the Methow and Tyaughton basins, southern British Columbia: A mid Cretaceous link between North America and the Insular Superterrane. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 29 p 1275-1295

Journeay, J.M. and Brown, R. 1986 Major Tectonic boundaries of he Omenica Crystalline Belt in southern British Columbia (in) Current Research. Part A Geological Survey Canada Paper 86-1A p 81-88

Okulitch, A.V. 1984 The role of the Shuswap Metamorphic Complex in cordilleran tectonism: A Review Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 21 p1171-1193

Kleinsphen, K.L. 1985 Cretaceous sedimentation and tectonics, Tyaughton - Methow Basin, southwest British Columbia Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 22 p 154-174

Little, H.W. 1982 Geology of the Rossland - Trail Map Area, British Columbia Canada Geologic Survey Paper 79-26 38 p

Mahoney, J.B., Monger, JW.H. and Hickson, C.J. 1996 Albian-Cenomanian conglomerates along the Intermontane - Insular Superterrane boundary, Canadian Cordillera, British Columbia: A critical test for large-scale terrane translation? (in) Current Research, Part A 1996 Geological Survey Canada  pp 101-109

Menzer, F.J. 1983 Metamorphism and plutonism in the central part of the Okanogan Range, WA Geological Society of America Bulletin 94 p 471-498

Miller, M.M. 1987 Dispersed remnants of a northeast Pacific fringing arc - Upper Paleozoic island arc terranes of Permian McCloud affinity, Western United States Tectonics 6 p 807-830

Monger, J.W. H., Price, R.A., and Templeman-Kluit D. 1982 Tectonic accretion and the origin of the two major metamorphic and plutonic belts in the Canadian Cordillera. Geology 10 pp 70-75

Mortimer, N. 1987 The Nicola Group - late Triassic and early Jurassic subduction-related volcanism in British Columbia Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 24  pp 2521-2536

O’Brien, J. 1986 Jurassic stratigraphy of the Methow trough, southwestern British Columbia. Geological Society Canada Paper 1-13 p 749-756

Tennyson, M.E. and Cole. M.R.  1978 Tectonic signifigance of the upper Mesozoic Methow-Paysayten sequence in the northeast Cascade Range, Washington and British Columbia (in) Howell, D. and McDougall, K. Mesozoic Paleogeography of the Western United States Pacific Coast Paleogeography Symposium, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Tulsa Ok 1978

Wheeler, J.O. and McFeeley, P. 1991 Tectonic assemblage map of the Canadian Cordillera and adjacent part of the United States of America: Geological Survey of Canada Map 1712A scale 1:2000000


The Coast Range Episode

Armstrong, R.L. 1988 Mesozoic and Cenozoic magmatic evolution of the Canadian cordillera Geological Society of America Special Paper 218 pp 55-91

Cordy, F. and Schiarizza, P. 1993 A long lived Panthalassic remnant - The Bridge River accretionary complex, Canadian cordillera Geology 21 pp 263-266

Brandon, M.T., Cowan, D.S., and Vance, J.A. 1988 The Late Cretaceous San Juan Thrust System, San Juan Islands, WA Geological Society of America Special Paper 221 1988 81 pp

Brown, E.H. 1987 Structural geology and accretionary history of the Northwest Cascades System, Washington and British Columbia Geological Society of America Bulletin 90 p 201-214

Brown, E.H. and Walker, N.W. 1993 A magma-loading model for barrovian metamorphism in the southeastern Coast Plutonic Complex, British Columbia and Washington Geological Society of America Bulletin 105 p 497-500

Brown, E.H., Cary, J.A., Dougan, B.E., Dragovitch, J.P., Fluke, S.M. and   McShane, D.P. 1994 The tectonic evolution of the Cascades crystalline core in the Cascade River Area, Washington (in) Cheney E.S. and Lasmanis R. (ed) Regional Geology of Washington WA Division Geology and Earth Resources Bulletin 80

Cowen, D.S. and Bruhn,. R.L. 1992 Late Jurassic to early Late Cretaceous Geology of the U.S. Cordillera (in) The cordilleran orogen: coterminous U.S. Volume G-3 Decade of  North American Geology (DNAG) Geological Society of America, Boulder Co., 1992 p 169-204

Cowan, D.S. 1994 Alternative hypotheses for the mid Cretaceous paleogeography of the western cordillera GSA Today July 1994

Friedman, R.M., and Armstrong, R.L. 1995 Jurassic and Cretaceous geochronology of the southern Coast Belt, British Columbia, 49 to 51N (in) Miller D.M and Busby C. Jurassic magmatism and tectonics      of the north american cordillera. Geological Society of America Special Paper 299 1995

Gabrielse, H. and Yorath, C.J. 1989 DNAG #4 the Cordilleran Orogen in Canada Geoscience Canada 16 #2 p 67-83

Haugerud, R.A., Brown, E.H., Tabor, R.W., Kriens, B.J., McGroder, W.F. 1994 Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary orogeny in the North Cascades (in) Swanson, D. and Haugerud, R (eds) Geologic Field Trips in the Pacific Northwest, 1994 GSA Guidebook Dept. Geological Sciences, Univ. WA, Seattle, 1994

Hopson, C.A. and Mattingson, J.M. 1994 Chelan migmatite complex, WA - evidence for mafic magmatism, crustal anatexis, mixing and protodiapiric emplacement (in) Swanson, D. and Haugerud, R (eds)   Geologic Field Trips in the Pacific Northwest, 1994 GSA Guidebook Dept. Geological Sciences, Univ. WA, Seattle, 1994

Journeay, J.M. and Friedman, R.M. 1993 The Coast Range thrust system, evidence for Late Cretaceous shortening in southwestern British Columbia Tectonics 12 #3 p 756-775

Journeay, J.M 1993 Tectonic assemblages of the eastern Coast Belt in southwest British Columbia: implications for the history and mechanics of terrane accretion (in) Current Research Part A Geological SurveyCanada Paper 93-1A p 221-233

Journeay, J.M. 1990 A progress report on the structure and tectonic framework of the southern coast belt, British Columbia (in ) Current Research, Part A Geological Survey Canada Paper 90-1E 1990 p 183-195

Kriens, B. and Wernicke, B. 1990 Nature of the contact zone between the North Cascades core and the Methow sequence in the Ross Lake area: implications for cordilleran tectonics. Tectonics 9 #5 pp953-981

McGroder, M.F. 1991 Reconciliation of two-sided thrusting, burial metamorphism and diachronous uplift in the Cascades of Washingotn and British Columbia Geological Society of America Bulletin 103 pp189-209

McLoughlin, J. 1994 Migmatite to fault gouge - fault rocks and the structure and Tectonic evolution of the Nason Terrane, North Cascades Mountains, WA (in) Swanson, D. and Haugerud, R (eds) Geologic Field Trips in the Pacific Northwest, 1994 GSA Guidebook Dept. Geological Sciences, Univ. WA, Seattle, 1994

Miller, D.M. , Nilsen, T.H and Bilodeau, W.L. 1992 Late Cretaceous to Early Eocene geologic evolution of the U.S. cordillera (in) The Cordilleran Orogen: Coterminous U.S. Volume G-3 Decade of  North American Geology (DNAG) Geological Society of America, Boulder Co., 1992 p 205-260

Potter, C.J. 1986  Origin, accretion and  postaccretionary evolution of the Bridge River Terrane, Wouthwest British Columbia Tectonics 5 pp1027-1041

Richards, T.A. and McTaggart, K.C. 1976 Granitic rocks of the southern Coast Plutonic Complex and North Cascades of British Columbia Geological Society of America Bulletin 87 p 935-953

Rubin, C.M., Saleeby, J.B., Cowan, D.S., Brandon, M.T., McGroder, M.F. 1990 Regionally extensive mid Cretaceous west -vergent thrust system in the northwest cordillera: implications for continent-margin tectonism. Geology 18 pp276-280

Rusmore, M.E. 1987 Geology of the Cadwallader Group and the Intermontane - Insular superterrane boundary, southwestern British Columbia Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 24 pp 2279-2291

Tabor, R.W.  1994  Late Mesozoic and possible Early Tertiary accretion in Western Washington: The Helena - Haystack Melange and the Darrington -Devils Mountain Fault Zone Geological Society of America Bulletin 106 pp 217-232

Umhoeffer, P.J. 1987 Northward translation of Baja British Columbia along Late Cretaceous to Paleocene margin of western North America Tectonics 6 p 377-394

Umhoefer, P.J. and Miller, R.B. 1996  Mid Cretaceous thrusting in the southern Coast Belt, British Columbia and Washington, after strike-slip fault reconstruction Tectonics 15 pp545-565

Van der Hayden, P 1992 A Mid Jurassic to Early Tertiary Andean-Sierran subduction model for the coast belt of British Columbia Tectonics 11 pp82-97

The Challis Episode

Babcock, R.S., Suczek, C.A. Engebretson, D.C. 1994 The Crescent "Terrane", Olympic Penninsula and Southern Vancouver Island, Washington  (in) Cheney E.S. and Lasmanis R. (ed) Regional Geology of Washington WA Division Geology and Earth Resources Bulletin 80

Beck, M.E. 1992 Tectonic signifigance of paleomagnetic results for the western coterminous U.S. (in) Burchfiel, B.C., Lipman, P.W., and Zoback, M.L. (eds) The Cordilleran Orogen: Coterminous U.S. Volume G-3 Decade of  North American Geology (DNAG) Geological Society of America, Boulder Co., 1992 p 683-698

Campbell, N. 1988 Structural geology along the northwest Columbia River Basalt margin, Washington. WA Division of Geology and Earth Resources Open-File Report 88-5

Christiansen, R.L. and Yeats, R.S. 1992 Post Laramide geology of the U.S. cordillera (in) Burchfiel, B.C., Lipman, P.W., and Zoback, M.L. (eds) The Cordilleran Orogen: Coterminous U.S. Volume G-3 Decade of  North American Geology (DNAG) Geological Society of America, Boulder Co., 1992 p 261-

Coleman, M.E. and Parrish, R.R. 1991 Eocene dextral strike-slip and extensional faulting in the Bridge River Terrane, southwest British Columbia. Tectonics 10 pp1222-1238

Evans, J.E. 1994 Depositional history of the Eocene Chumstick Formation: implications of tectonic partitioning for the history of the Leavenworth and Entiat-Eagle Creek Fault Systems, Washington Tectonics 13 #6 pp 1425-1444

Fox, K.F. 1994 Geology of metamorphic core complexes and associated   extensional structures in north central Washington  (in) Cheney E.S. and Lasmanis R. (ed) Regional Geology of Washington WA Division Geology and Earth Resources Bulletin 80

Frizzell, V.A. 1979 Petrology and stratigraphy of paleogene nonmarine sandstones, Cascade Range, WA U.S. Geologica Survey Open File Report 79-149 151p

Harms, T.A. and Price, R.A. 1992 The Newport Fault,: Eocene listric mormal faulting, mylonitization and crustal extension in northeast Washington and northwest Idaho Geological Society of America Bulletin 104 p 745-761

Johnson, S.Y. 1984 Stratigraphy, age and paleogeography of the Eocene Chuckanut Formation, Northwest Washington Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 21 pp92-106

Johnson, S.Y 1985 Eocene strike-slip faulting and nonmarine basin formation in Washington Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Special Publication 37 p 283-302

Johnson, S.Y and O'Connor, J.T. 1994 Stratigraphy, sedimentology and provenence of the Raging River Formation (Early? and Middle Eocene), King Co. Washington U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2085-A

Mustoe, G.E. and Gannaway, W. 1997 Paleogeography and paleontology of the early Tertiary Chuckanut Formation, Northwest Washington. Washington Geology 25 #3 p 3-18

Parrish, R.R., Carr, S.D.,  and Parkinson, D.L. 1988 Eocene extensional tectonics and geochronology of the southern Omenica Belt, British Columbia and Washington Tectonics 7 p 181-212

Stewart, J.H. and Crowell, J.C. 1992 Strike slip tectonics in the cordilleran region of the Western United States (in) Burchfiel, B.C., Lipman, P.W., and Zoback, M.L. (eds) The Cordilleran Orogen: Coterminous U.S. Volume G-3 Decade of  North American Geology (DNAG) Geological Society of America, Boulder Co., 1992 p 583-608

Tabor, R.W. ,Frazzell, V.A., Vance, J.A., Naeser, C.W. 1984 Ages and     stratigraphy of lower and middle Tertiary sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the central Cascades, Washingotn - application to the tectonic history of the Straight Creek Fault. Geological Society of America Bulletiin 95 pp28-44

Taylor, S.G., Johnson, S.Y. ,Fraser, G.T., Roberts, J.W. 1987 Sedimentation and tectonics of the late and middle Eocene Swauk Formation in the eastern Swauk Basin, central Cascades, Central Washington. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 25 pp 1020-1036

Templeman-Kluit, D. and Parkinson, D. 1986 Extension Across Eocene Okanogan crustal shear in Southern British Columbia Geology 14 pp318-321

Umhoefer, P.J. and Schiarizza, P. 1996 Southeast part of the Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary dextral strike-slip Yalakom Fault System, Southwestern British Columbia - implications for regional tectonics Geological Society of America Bulletin, 1996

Cascade Episode

Cheney, E.S. 1997 What is the age and extent of the Cascade Magmatic Arc? Washington Geology 25 #2 p 28-32

Erikson, E.H. 1969 Petrology of the composite Snoqualmie Batholith, central Cascade Mountains, Washington Geological Society of America Bulletin 80 pp 2213-2236

Everts, R.C. and Swanson, D.A. 1994 Geologic transect across the Tertiary Cascade Range, southern Washington (in) Swanson, D. and Haugerud, R (ed) Geologic Field Trips in the Pacific Northwest V 2 p 2J 1-19 Geological Society of America, University of Washington Dept. Geological Sciences 1994

Hammond, P.E. 1978 A tectonic model for the evolution of the Cascade Range (in) Howell, D. and McDougall, K. Mesozoic Paleogeography of the Western United      States Pacific Coast Paleogeography Symposium, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Tulsa Ok 1978

Hammond, P.E., Brunstad, K.A., King, J.F. 1994 Mid tertiary volcanism east of Mt. Rainier - Fifes Peak Volcano-Cauldera and Bumping Lake Pluton, Mt. Aix Cauldera. (in) Swanson, D. and Haugerud, R (ed) Geologic Field Trips in the Pacific Northwest V 2 p 2J 1-19 Geological Society of America, University of Washington Dept. Geological Sciences 1994

Heller, P.L. , Tabor, R.W., Suczek, C.A. 1987 Paleogeographic evolution of the U.S. Pacific Northwest during Paleogene time Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 24 pp1625-1667

Monger, J.W.H. 1991 Georgia Basin Project - Structural evolution of part of the Southern Insular and southwestern Coast Belts, British Columbia (in) Current Research, Part A: Geological Survey of Canada Paper 91-1A p 219-228

Pringle, P.(ed) 1994 Mt. Rainier, A  Decade Volcano GSA Field Trip (in) Swanson, D. and   Haugerud, R (ed) Geologic Field Trips in the Pacific Northwest V 2 p 2G 1-23 Geological Society of America, University of Washington Dept. Geological Sciences 1994

Reidel, S.P.  and Hooper, P.R. (ed) 1989 Volcanism and tectonics in the Columbia Basin Basalt Province, Geological Society of America Special Paper 239 386 p

Reidel, S.P. , Campbell, N.P., Gecht, K.R. and Lindsay, K.A. 1994 Late Cenozoic structure and stratigraphy of south central Washington (in) Cheney E.S. and Lasmanis R. (ed) Regional Geology of Washington WA Division Geology and Earth Resources Bulletin 80

Tabor. R.W. and Crowder, D.F.  1969 On batholiths and volcanoes: intrusion of Late Cenozoic magmas in the Glacier Peak Area, North Cascades,    Washington US Geological Survey Professional Paper 604

Wells, .R.E., Engebretson, D.C. Snavely, P.D. and Coe, R.S. 1984 Cenozoic plate motions and the volcano-tectonic evolution of western Oregon and Washington Tectonics 3 #2 pp275-294

Wells, R.E. and Heller, P.L. 1988 The relative contribution of accretion, shear and extension to Cenozoic rotation in the Pacific Northwest Geological Society of America Bulletin 100 pp325-338

Recent Events

Bretz, J.H. 1969 The Lake Missoula floods and the channeled scabland: Journal of Geology 77 p505-543

Beeson, M.H. , Tolan, T.L. 1987 Columbia River Gorge - The geologic evolution of the Columbia River in northwest Oregon and southwest Washington Geological Society of America Centennial Field Trip Guide - Cordilleran Section 1987 Geological Society of America, Boulder CO 1987 p 321-326

Blunt, D.J., Easerbrook, D.J., Rutter, N.W. 1987Chronology of Pleistocene sediments in the Puget Lowland, Washington (in) Schuster, J.E. (ed) Selected Papers on the Geology of Washington, Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources Bulletin 77 p 321-353

Clague, J.J., Easterbrook, P.J, Hughes, E.L:, Matthews, J.V. 1992 The Sangamonian and Early Wisconsin stages in western Canada and northwestern United States (in) Clark, P.U and Lea. P.D. (eds) The Last Interglacial - Glacial Transition in  North America Geological Society of America Special Paper 270 Boulder, Co 1992

Clague, J.J. and Brobowsky P.T. 1999 Great earthquakes off Canadas western coast Geoscience Canada 26 #1 p 1-12

Easterbrook, D.J. 1986 Stratigraphy and chronology of Quaternary deposits of the Puget Lowland and Olympic Mountains of Washington and the Cascade Mountains of Washington and Oregon Quaternary Science Review 5 p 145-159

Green, N., Armstrong, R.L., Harakal, J. Souther, P. and Read P 1988 Eruptive history and K-Ar geochronology of the Late Cenozoic Garibaldi Volcanic Belt, Southwest British Columbia Geological Society of America Bulletin 100 p 563-579

Hildreth, W. 1996 Kulshan Cauldera- A Quaternary subglacial cauldera in the North Cascades, WA Geological Society of America Bulletin 108 #7 p 386-393

Johnson, S.Y., Dadisman, S.V, Mosher, D.C., Blakely, R.J and Childs, J.R. 2001 Active tectonics of the Devils Mountain Fault and related structures, Northern Puget lowland and eastern Strait of Juan De Fuca Region, Pacific Northwest U.S. Geological Survey Professional paper 1643 45pps

Parrish, R.R. 1982 Cenozoic thermal evolution and tectonics of the Coast Range Mountains of British Columbia, fission track dating, apparent uplift fates, patterns of uplift  Tectonics 2 #6 p 601-631

Porter, S., Pierce,  and Hamilton 1983 Late Wisconsin mountain glaciation in the Western U.S. in Porter, S. (ed) Late Quaternary Environments of the U.S. V I Pleistocene U of Minnesota Press Minneapolis 1983

Waitt, R.B. 1985 Periodic jokulhlaups from Pleistocene glacial Lake Missoula: Geological Society of America Bulletin 96 p 1271-1286

Recent Popular Books:

Fire Mountains of the West : The Cascade and Mono Lake Volcanoes  Stephen Harris Mountain Press, Missoula Mt 1988

Geology of the North Cascades: A Mountain Mosaic Rowland Tabor and Raph Haugerud The Mountaineers, Seattle 1999

Guide to the Geology of the Olympic National Park  Rowland Tabor Univ. WA Press 1972, 1982 Reprinted by Pacific Northwest Interpretive Association 1998

Hiking Washington’s Geology Scott Babcock and Bob Carson the Mountaineers, Seattle 2000

Northwest Exposures:  A Geologic Story of the Pacific Northwest David Alt and Donald Hyndman Mountain Press, Missoula Mt 1995

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