Amphibians and Reptiles of the Kuril Islands


Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg

I. Caudata

    1. Family Hynobiidae
      1. Salamandrella keyserlingii Dybowski, Paramushir, Shumshu, Kunashir

II. Anura

    2. Family Hylidae
      2. Hyla japonica Gnther, Kunashir (very dubious record), Shikotan
    3. Family Ranidae
      3. Rana chensinensis David, Kunashir, Shikotan, Tanfiliev, and perhaps on other small southern islets

III. Lacertilia

    4. Family Scincidae
      4. Eumeces latiscutatus (Hallowell), Kunashir

IV. Serpentes

    5. Family Colubridae
      5. Elaphe climacophora (Bole), Kunashir
      6. Elaphe japonica Maki, Kunashir
      7. Elaphe quadrivirgata (Bole), Kunashir


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