Endurance | Antarctica | Animals | Survival | Bibliography

American Museum of Natural History site about the Endurance exhibit.
Produced by the organizers of the Endurance exhibition, this site provides information about the expedition, exhibition, and travelling exhibition schedule.

Nova Shackleton Expedition site.
Titled A Nova Online Adventure: Shackleton's Antarctic Odyssey, this site features the historic Shackleton Endurance expedition, the recent NOVA Antarctica expeditions retracing Shackleton's journey, surviving Antarctica, and navigating the high seas. Don't miss the extensive classroom resources.

Kodak site on Frank Hurley's Endurance photographs.
Titled The Endurance, this site features the expedition photographer Frank Hurley. It provides information about the expedition and has a detailed reference section that features a Shackleton biography, timeline, and bibliography, as well as desktop pictures. The expedition section traces the route of the ship.

Minnesota Public Radio site about the Endurance expedition.
Walking out of History documentary about the story of the Endurance expedition. You can listen to the story via sound clips.

Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia 2000 article about Shackleton.
Site includes information about Sir Ernest Shackleton and his explorations.

Frank Hurley site.
This site is dedicated to perpetuating the diaries and photographs of Frank Hurley, expedition photographer under Sir Ernest Shackleton aboard the Endurance in the Weddell Sea, 1914-16, and on South Georgia Island, 1917.

Welcome to the Shack site.
An entertaining site dedicated to the life and times of Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton. It includes information about the expedition, Shackleton FAQs, many related links, news, and a message board.

South Aris Expedition site.
Follow the account of a 1997 Irish expedition that set out to retrace the path of Shackleton's 1915 expedition to Antarctica. Find a pictorial history.