Key to the Families of Puget Sound Fishes

Section F

Pelvic Fins Thoracic, Strongly Modified
Into a Cone or Sucking Disc on Belly

1a.Body globular, usually covered with tubercles; one or two short dorsal fins never confluent with caudalFamily Cyclopteridae
1b.Body elongate2
2a.Two dorsal fins, the first spinous and the second of soft-rays

Family Gobiidae

2b.One dorsal fin3
3a.Gill membranes united but free from isthmus; dorsal fin far back, covering less than 1/2 of dorsal surfaceFamily Gobiesocidae
3b.Gill membranes joined to isthmus; dorsal fin covering over 1/2 of dorsal surface, may be confluent with caudalFamily Liparidae

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