Key to the Families of Puget Sound Fishes

Section C

Pelvic Fins Absent

1a.Pectoral fins in two separated lobesFamily Liparidae
1b.Pectoral fins not in two distinct lobes2
2a.Body eel-like (body length more than 5 times body depth)6
2b.Body length less than 4 times body depth3
3a.No caudal fin; body deeply compressedFamily Molidae
3b.Caudal fin present4
4a.Dorsal entirely of soft-rays; body limp, skeleton largely cartilaginousFamily Icosteidae
4b.Dorsal fin with spines in anterior portion; body not limp as above5
5a.Eight to ten dorsal spines; body without scalesFamily Cottidae
5b.Four or fewer dorsal spinesFamily Stromateidae
6a.Tip of tail with a distinct caudal fin which may or may not be joined to the dorsal and anal fins10
6b.Caudal rays not forming a distinct fin, or tip of tail without rays7
7a.Jaws needlelike, greatly elongated and curved outwardFamily Nemichthyidae
Snipe Eels
7b.Jaws not needlelike8
8a.Anterior teeth pointed, rear teeth molarlike; dorsal fin with spinesFamily Anarhichadidae
8b.Teeth pointed; no spines in dorsal fin; fins covered with heavy skin9
9a.Caudal fin small and forked; lower jaw protrudingFamily Trichiuridae
9b.Caudal fin pointed, confluent with dorsal and anal fins; lower jaw not protrudingFamily Zoarcidae
10a.Body encased in bony platesFamily Syngnathidae
10b.Body not encased in bony plates11
11a.Anal fin absentFamily Trachipteridae
11b.Anal fin present12
12a.Dorsal fin with spines14
12b.Dorsal fin without spines13
13a.Caudal fin forked; minute cycloid scales; lower jaw projecting beyond upperFamily Ammodytidae
Sand Lances
13b.Caudal fin rounded and confluent with dorsal and anal fins; no scales; jaws about equalFamily Scytalinidae
14a.Dorsal fin with low hooklike spines anteriorly and higher soft-rays posteriorlyFamily Ptilichthyidae
14b.Dorsal fin entirely of spines14
15a.Distance from snout to anal origin greater than distance from anal origin to base of caudal finFamily Pholidae
15b.Distance from snout to anal origin less than distance from anal origin to base of caudal fin16
16a.Mouth horizontal or oblique, more horizontal than verticalFamily Stichaeidae
16b.Mouth nearly verticalFamily Cryptacanthodidae

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